Why Switch to Digital
Are you still dialing the temperatures up and down in your home? If you are than you might consider making the switch to a digital thermostat. Traditional thermostats are behind with the advancements of digital technology. There are plenty of benefits to making the switch from traditional to digital thermostats. From allowing you to program it for when you are on vacation to saving you money and helping to preserve the environment there are plenty of reasons to make the switch from traditional to digital.
Benefits of Going Digital
You will be able to live healthier and safer in your home when you make the switch from a traditional to a digital thermostat. Did you know that your traditional thermostat has a very high amount of mercury built within? Although not all traditional thermostats contain mercury just the thought that yours might should be enough for you to make the switch from traditional to digital. Digital thermostats also do not contain as many moving parts as the traditional thermostats and also do not have to be calibrated.
Installing a Digital Thermostat
If you are looking to save the planet and save a little green than you really need to consider making the switch from a traditional to a digital thermostat. Traditional thermostats contain mercury that, when disposed, winds up in landfills. Making the big switch from traditional to digital can reduce the amount of mercury found in landfills from six to eight tons. This fact coupled with the fact that digital thermostats are programmable can give you peace of mind that your pets will be comfortable when you are out of town. If you are considering making the big switch from traditional to digital than let the quality experts here at GPS Electrical Service help you and the environment by making the switch.